Dangerous Driving Lawyer Vancouver



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    Navigating the legal landscape after being charged with a dangerous driving offence can be daunting. It’s in these challenging times that the expertise of a dangerous driving lawyer becomes invaluable.

    At Sarah Leamon Law, we understand the seriousness of a dangerous driving charge and its potential to impact your life drastically.

    As a leading criminal defence and driving offences law firm in Vancouver, we are committed to providing unwavering support and legal assistance to you or a loved one facing such charges. Our team of dedicated lawyers works relentlessly, aiming to secure the most favourable outcome for your case.

    How Does the Law Define Dangerous Driving?

    Section 320 of the Criminal Code of Canada (CCC) defines dangerous driving as operating any type of vehicle in a way that noticeably deviates from how a reasonable person would act under the same conditions.

    This broad definition covers a variety of motor vehicles including cars, trucks, motorcycles, and even motorboats. Whether you are operating these vehicles in motion or stationary, any reckless conduct can lead to a dangerous driving charge.

    So, if you’re driving or controlling a vehicle in a way that’s clearly more dangerous or risky than what’s generally accepted as safe, even if no one was injured, you could face serious charges of dangerous driving.

    What Happens If No One Was Injured?

    The absence of injury doesn’t necessarily lessen the seriousness of a dangerous driving case. You could face severe penalties even if no physical harm resulted from the incident.

    What Happens If There Were People Injured?

    In situations where injuries result from a dangerous driving incident, the legal stakes significantly increase. Charges against you can intensify, leading to potential substantial fines, imprisonment, and a permanent criminal record.

    What Happens If a Person Dies?

    Dangerous driving that results in death is one of the most severe charges one can face. If a person dies due to the incident, the charges escalate to the highest level, often resulting in significant prison sentences and life-altering penalties.

    What Happens If I Have Plead or Am Found Guilty of Dangerous Driving?

    Being found or pleading guilty to dangerous driving charges carries serious implications. You may face penalties such as hefty fines, imprisonment, and a lasting criminal record. You’ll need a competent dangerous driving lawyer who may be able to reduce the charges from ‘dangerous driving’ to ‘careless driving’, a traffic charge with significantly less severe consequences.

    Do I Need a Lawyer for Dangerous Driving Charges?

    Yes, having a lawyer is essential when dealing with dangerous driving charges. They can guide you through the complex legal process, potentially reducing the charges or even getting them dismissed.

    Should I Plead Guilty?

    Before making any decision, you should consult a lawyer. Pleading guilty can result in serious consequences, including a criminal record. A lawyer can help assess your situation and provide the best advice.

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    What Penalties Am I Facing?

    The penalties for dangerous driving can range from fines to imprisonment, depending on the severity of the offence. Furthermore, a conviction will lead to a criminal record.

    Will I Have a Criminal Record?

    Yes, a dangerous driving conviction will result in a criminal record. However, with the appropriate legal representation, there may be potential to reduce the charges and limit the long-term impact.

    How Does Dangerous Driving Affect My Driving Record?

    A dangerous driving conviction can seriously affect your driving record, leading to increased insurance rates, license suspension, and other complications.

    How Can a Lawyer Help Me With a Dangerous Driving Charge?

    A lawyer can significantly improve the outcome of your case. They can potentially reduce your charges or even have them dismissed, guide you through court proceedings, and devise a strategic defence tailored to your situation.

    Do I Have to Go to Court for a Trial?

    Depending on the circumstances, you may not need to appear in court personally. A lawyer can represent you, ensuring your best interests are advocated for throughout the proceedings.

    What Defences Are Available?

    When facing a dangerous driving charge, you can consider various defences based on the unique circumstances of your case. These defences aim to expose flaws in the prosecution’s case, which can greatly vary from one case to another.

    One potential strategy involves challenging the prosecution’s evidence. This might include scrutinizing the credibility or accuracy of eyewitness accounts, dashcam footage, or any other forms of evidence underpinning the dangerous driving charge.

    Questions such as, “Could the eyewitnesses accurately observe the incident?” or “Is the video or photographic evidence clear and indisputable?” can help create doubt.

    You could also question the arrest procedures followed by law enforcement officers. Police must stick to certain procedures and protocols during an arrest, like reading your rights to you, ensuring you understand those rights, and allowing you to consult with a lawyer.

    If police deviate from these protocols, it can provide a basis for a strong defence.

    Additionally, introducing mitigating circumstances, like the need to evade immediate danger or threat, can form part of your defence. For example, erratic swerving to avoid hitting a pedestrian might constitute a justified action, not a dangerous driving offence.

    What Happens on My First Court Date?

    On your first court date, your charges will be read, and you’ll have the chance to plead guilty or not guilty. Having a lawyer to guide you can be extremely beneficial during this process.

    Contact Sarah Leamon Law Today

    If you or a loved one is facing a dangerous driving charge, don’t hesitate to contact Sarah Leamon Law. Our experienced team of dangerous driving lawyers in Vancouver is ready to fight for your rights and help navigate the complex legal process.

    Schedule a Free Initial Consultation

    If you have a criminal case, driving matter or family law issue in BC or Alberta, please call or e-mail Criminal Lawyer for a free consultation.